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Digital Brown Bag | Maps & Views, Spaces & Places: Mapping Pre-Modern Images

What if we could climb into historical views of cities and experience the places they represent? How could we design digital methods and tools that reconstruct pre-modern views of cities in 3D even if the images don’t correspond to modern ideas about mathematical perspective or gridded Cartesian space? In this Digital Brown Bag talk, Phil Stern (History) and Ed Triplett (Art History) will discuss their NEH-funded project "The Sandcastle Workflow" - a methodology that attempts to deconstruct and reconstruct pre-modern maps within a software environment that suits their malleable conceptions of space. Stern and Triplett will show several examples which demonstrate why it is difficult to analyze these pre-modern views spatially, challenges that their upcoming Bass Connections and Data+ projects will also engage with. Stern and Triplett will also compare the affordances of modern world analysis systems such as GIS with creative "world-building" systems like game engines.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2020 Show more dates
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Bostock 121 (Murthy Digital Studio)
West Campus
Digital Scholarship   ScholarWorks  
Registration has closed.

Digital Brown Bags (hosted by Duke LIbraries' Digital Scholarship & Publishing Services) are informal presentations and talks with Duke faculty or grad students about their digital project work, with the goal of making digital project work more familiar and possible. All are welcome! 

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Liz Milewicz
Liz Milewicz

Director, The ScholarWorks Center for Open Scholarship