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Introduction to the Open Science Framework

The Open Science Framework (OSF) is a free, open source project management tool developed and maintained by the Center for Open Science. The OSF can help scholars manage their workflow, organize their materials, and share all or part of a project with the broader research community. This workshop will demonstrate some of the key functionalities of the tool including how to structure your materials, manage permissions, version content, integrate with third-party tools (such as Box, GitHub, or Mendeley), share materials, register projects, and track usage.

Related LibGuide: Research Data Management by Jen Darragh

Wednesday, February 14, 2018
10:00am - 11:00am
Bostock 023 Training Room
West Campus
Data and Visualization  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Mara Sedlins
Profile photo of Sophia Lafferty-Hess
Sophia Lafferty-Hess
Profile photo of Center for Data and Visualization Sciences
Center for Data and Visualization Sciences