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Hands-on Lab: Introduction to Zero-Code Text Analysis (RCR; GS717.09)

Note: Introduction to Zero-Code Text Analysis (GS 717.08) is a prerequisite for this hands-on session; register here.

This in-person, hands-on RCR workshop allows students to take a deeper dive into text analysis workflows for scholarship. We'll look closer at the affordances of Orange for common text analysis tasks, practice creating and evaluating data pipelines, and discuss how to interpret results while ensuring that they are transparent and reproducible. Students are encouraged to bring their own projects and corpora for exploration.

Thursday, October 12, 2023
9:00am - 11:00am
Bostock 121 (Murthy Digital Studio)
West Campus
Digital Humanities   Digital Scholarship   ScholarWorks  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Will Shaw
Will Shaw

Digital Humanities Consultant, Duke University Libraries